I’ve worked on many projects over my 25+ year career. This site is a collection of archived websites from a number of those projects.
— Brandon Muramatsu, 2019
NSDL-CCLI Dissemination
Archived Website A study group was convened in February 2010 to consider the question: “How can NSF and successful Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Innovation (CCLI) grantees foster better dissemination of CCLI-developed educational innovations?” Coming out of the meeting were recommendations and observations for NSF and grantees.
NSDL Reflections
Archived Website A collection of the “reflections” on the collaborative development of the NSF-funded National Science Digital Library (NSDL).
Reusable Learning
Archived Website This site provides a framework for the design of reusable digital learning resources and recommendations content developers and repository managers can use to lower or remove the barriers to reuse without reducing learning effectiveness.
Vibrating Beam Experiment
Archived Website Engineering Courseware for a Senior Mechanical Engineering Lab at UC Berkeley
ME39C and ME139 at UC Berkeley
Archived Website Multimedia Case Studies of Engineering Design
San Francisco Section, ASME
Archived Website Website of the San Francisco Professional Section of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers