A collection of the “reflections” on the collaborative development of the NSF-funded National Science Digital Library (NSDL).
The NSDL Reflections project can be described by the grant’s title, “Where Have We Come From and Where Are We Going? Learning the Lessons and Disseminating Exemplary Practices From the Projects of the NSDL”. The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) Program had been in existence formally since 2000, and informally since 1998. By 2002 it was becoming evident that it was beginning to lose some of stories and lessons of the development of the NSDL, especially as funding for projects ended. And as the NSDL took different directions, the early developers and participants were moving on to other projects. This project captured some of their stories.
The NSDL Reflections project was led by Flora McMartin and Brandon Muramatsu from 2007 to 2010.