A study group was convened in February 2010 to consider the question: “How can NSF and successful Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Innovation (CCLI) grantees foster better dissemination of CCLI-developed educational innovations?” Coming out of the meeting were recommendations and observations for NSF and grantees.
The CCLI Dissemination project was developed to “foster better dissemination of CCLI-developed educational innovations.”
This project grew out of our experience in developing a digital library of educational innovation in engineering (NEEDS) and later across many disciplines in STEM (smete.org, NSDL, BEN, ComPadre, MathDL, and so on). As one of the potential dissemination mechanisms for the NSF Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Innovation program, we examined how might we encourage, incentivize or otherwise improve the dissemination pathway through these NSF-funded educational digital libraries. CCLI was a decades long funding program of the National Science Foundation that foster and support innovative teaching practices. Limiting ourselves to the last decade (2000s) or so, NSF funded over 3,000 projects in this program. However, we believe only a very small fraction of these have ever made it into an educational digital library.
The NSDL-CCLI Dissemination Project was led by Flora McMartin, Brandon Muramatsu and Joseph G. Tront from 2009 to 2010.